Events & Workshops

mindful speed dating in Boulder with Sanctuary for Soul & Mind

Welcome to the Sanctuary for Soul & Mind, a place to contemplate and connect.

I am a passionate teacher and facilitator as well as a coach and have pioneered successful workshops and classes in:

  • Grief and loss.
  • Navigating life transitions.
  • Life beyond divorce.
  • Personal, and spiritual self-development.
  • Creating personal rituals to honor milestones.
  • Traversing the Dark Night of the Soul.

My mission is to support individuals as they navigate significant life passages such as parenthood, divorce, loss of loved ones, empty nest, mid-life crisis, career changes and more!

2024 Events

Registrations coming soon

Conscious Connections: Mindful Mingle for Singles

Conscious Connections: Mindful Mingle for Singles!


Saturday, June 29 | 7 – 10 PM

Theater O 5311 Western Avenue, Suite Boulder, CO, USA


Are you interested in exploring potential relationships with open mindedness and curiosity?


We believe at Sanctuary for Soul and Mind that while speed dating is all the rage it’s really just a step away from online dating and doesn’t allow for real connection or discernment.

At our mingling events we have a fully designed schedule of activities that go between group shares, and improvs, conversations, role plays and games. There is no awkward matching; just an opportunity to meet other cool single people in a an organic yet intentional way. In the days following you will receive contact info for all the folks you spent the evening with and you can reach out to anyone with whom you’d like to connect.

We create an inviting atmosphere without the awkwardness of elevator speeches or make it or break it introductions.

Expert leader and facilitator Michelle Claire will guide you to engage in activities that will give you the opportunity to meet others in a safe and responsible way while going below merely surface exchanges.

As a bonus you will be invited to join an ongoing Facebook group for participants exclusively of Mindful Mingle.

**** Advanced registration required. No Walk ins

Note: We reserve the right to ask any participant engaging in aggressive, vulgar or otherwise inappropriate behavior to leave.


Summer Solstice Ceremony/Workshop: Honoring the Light Within

Thursday June 20, 6:30 PM – nightfall

Location: 1440 Lost Angel Road, Boulder, CO

A Love Donation of $25 to cover expenses for supplies, beverages,snacks and planning.

No one will be turned away for lack of funds. Please email me at if you would like to attend but need to make a smaller donation.

On a beautiful piece of land facing west in the foothills, we will join in community to honor and reflect the light within ourselves and each other as we bring in the energy of the summer solstice and with intention, harness it to support growth, joy and abundance in our lives this summer season.

We will engage in a fire ceremony, personal reflections, and community games to cultivate the child in us all and there will be offerings of song, dance and music as well as poetry and inspirational text. As you arrive, each person will make a flower crown with flowers and herbs that are traditionally used in the Celtic traditions to honor the sun and its rise in the northern hemisphere.

Special Iced Herbal teas traditionally served midsummer as well as fruit salad and cookies will be offered.

There will be a bonfire where we will light the solstice torch and burn away all that no longer serves us as we step towards the light.

  • This is a family friendly event, recommended for anyone ages 5 and above.
  • Please no dogs.
  • If we are rained out we will reschedule for Sun June 23rd at the same time.
  • Wear shoes you can easily take off so you may connect deeply with the earth.
  • Wear layers!
  • Feel free to bring instruments like drums, tambourines, bells, etc.. for our music making as we accompany the sun’s descent to the west.

This is not a religious event but we will be pulling from a variety of spiritual traditions.

Michelle Claire Romeo will be our facilitator for this event. She has studied personally with teachers of Celtic, Slavic, Latinx, and Indigenous descent.
She holds ritual events and workshops throughout the year through her organization:  A Sanctuary for Soul and Mind.



Conscious Connections: Mindful Speed Dating

Fri July 25 7:00-9:30

Location: Central Boulder


Information coming soon:

Equanimity at the Equinox: Finding Balance Within

Sun Sept 22, 4:30-7 PM

Beyond the Veil: A Celebration of Life and Death

Sunday Nov 10th 4:30-7 PM

“Michelle is one of the best group leaders out there. Her events are always welcoming, well structured, and incredibly valuable. She has a natural ability to create a sacred space and facilitate openness and healing.

Her ‘letting go’ ceremony was a milestone in my divorce process, pushing me past the stuckness I’d experienced with anger and grief, and I’ll always be grateful for Michelle’s wisdom and guidance.”

Buday FalkinburgGreeley, Co
“Warm, funny, kind, brilliant, cool.. these are just a few of the mosaic pieces that make Michelle Claire Romeo. She came into my life when I had little hope and offered to help me bring it back together. I knew I needed her, but was skeptical. You never know how personalities will blend. But as we wound around the twists and turns that are my life, we started to form a real bond. I grew to trust her.”
J OsbourneAustin,Texas