Relationship Coaching

couples counseling in Boulder, CO

Couples Coaching and Counseling

Are you in a vicious cycle of conflicts that seem unresolvable?

When there is conflict in ANY relationship it can ALWAYS be traced to the bigger issues of Power, Trust or need for Recognition and Validation.

Let’s unpack what’s really going on underneath all those seemingly “silly…small scale arguments”. Sometimes we need an outside party to reflect back to us that which we cannot see in ourselves and this is my expertise.

I can keenly provide you with insight on your relationship dynamics as I give you tools to create lasting changes in your partnership. The term couples counseling can come with baggage, but when you think of these interactions as relationship coaching, these insights and perspective can serve you in any and all relationships – from your partner, to your children, to work colleagues, and even random folks you meet. 

I create an environment where foremost my couples feel safe, seen and heard. I make sure we begin and end all our sessions with a focus on the positive and you will always leave with an action plan of what to do in between sessions.

Why is Couples Counseling in Such High Demand in Boulder?

We live in one of the happiest places in the country and many families CHOOSE to live here. So why do so many couples struggle in Boulder and Denver? It’s a great question, with some nuanced answers. First of all, we live in a society where face-to-face communication is in short supply and we are always in a rush. Secondly, many Coloradans are transplants, which means they left the support structure of family life and decide to bear children in a totally different location from their families. While absolutely for the right reasons, this adds additional stress to any relationship. 

What we will do in session:

Together as your Relationship Coach we will identify what dynamics are getting in the way of you getting and giving the love you want with your partner while assessing your attachment style and your primary Love Language (the different ways we express and receive love.)

Many couples get stuck in an endless negative spiral where it seems like they can never find any middle ground.

I will help you:

  • Unpack the deeper triggers causing the conflict and get to the ESSENCE of what is underneath it all. This is done using my ground-breaking method of EIR (Emotional Intelligence Resourcing™.)
  • Become fluent in the language of your emotions so you gain control over your emotional life and thereby how you act and react in relationship.
  • Learn how to respond rather than react and in doing so cultivate a safe and healthy relational dynamic.
  • Define your intentions as a couple as I assist you in creating concrete, practical tools for positive engagement you can use, not just with me in session, but OUTSIDE of the coaching container in your day-to-day life.

Reach out to me here »

Conscious Uncoupling

For those couples at the critical juncture of deciding whether or not to stay together, I will guide you towards your best outcome, helping you see all sides as you explore your options.

If moving your separate ways proves to be the direction you choose, I will assist you in doing so in a graceful, positive and healthy way that honors the longevity and dignity of your relationship and assures a fluid transition.

We will go through practices based on Katherine Woodward Thomas’s Bestselling book “Conscious Uncoupling: 5 steps to Living Happily Ever After”

  1. Finding Emotional Freedom
  2. Creating Safety
  3. Reclaiming your power
  4. Breaking the pattern and healing your heart
  5. Becoming a Love Alchemist: Transforming Love
  6. Clearing the Air
  7. Creating your Happy-Ever-After life

Boulder Couples Counseling & Conscious Uncoupling

“My husband and I have been in couples counseling with Michele for several months now, and she has been very helpful to us. Michelle has a natural ability to counsel people, as well as practical skills that help facilitate better relationships. She helps you get to the heart of the matter and see things more clearly.

My husband and I have been able to understand each other better, see things from a different perspective, communicate better, and be more patient with each other. We both definitely see a big improvement in our relationship since we’ve been in counseling. Highly recommend Michelle!

She is a great support and has helped so much to facilitate healing where there has been brokenness.”

Ann EriksonAustin Texas

“Michelle gave me a 7 Dimensions of Consciousness reading which revealed that I came to this world with an abundance of resources and tools and a very high energy vibration. She confirmed for me that I am very much guided by my higher self and aligned with my soul’s purpose. This 7 Dimensions reading was an overview that gave us direction for where to focus our future readings identifying where I may have energetic blocks or “baggage” that still needs to be clarified. I highly recommend working with Michelle as she is very gifted in transformational intuitive readings and her guidance can raise your vibration in many aspects of your life.”
Elizabeth T MantiaCMT Marin, CA